Every donation goes toward our mission and ministries.
A Monastic Heart: How to Live an Ordinary Life Extraordinarily Well Link to Registration: Presented by Episcopal Community Services & Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health. Visit for more information.
We will hold a special Solemn Evensong, open to the public, with prayers and music in remembrance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 pm. The prayers and remembrances will be led by The Very Rev. Matthew Woodward, Dean of Trinity Cathedral. Dean Woodward was ordained a priest in the […]
Anti-racism workshops for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California This one-day in-person workshop was specially developed for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries. Renew your Baptismal Covenant as we learn about forms of historic and contemporary racism and how to engage in ministry with sensitivity and respect for all. […]
Join us for our Ingathering Sunday BBQ immediately following the 10am Service in the courtyard. Please let us know you are coming. Two or three volunteers are needed to help set up and assist during the BBQ. Please contact Eileen Thomas if you would like to help out! RSVP:
Feast of St. Francis Sunday, October 9th, 10am It is bring your pets to church Day! The blessings will be during this courtyard service. There will be bragging rights for the coolest animal and forgiveness for the loudest! All are welcome! Please bring your pets for the blessing.