Grant Writing Resources
Every donation goes toward our mission and ministries.
Grant Writing Resources
Writing Successful Grants for Your Congregation: A basic resource guide
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California wants to be a place all of our churches thrive. We are always looking for new tools and resources to help this be true, and so we have created this sheet as a first step toward helping you find new grant money for your ministry.
We know that writing a grant can feel intimidating and maybe even overwhelming if you are entering this process for the first time. We hope this short guide and an upcoming webinar will give you the courage to jump in. We will be here on the journey, coaching and rooting for you to join the ranks of successful grant-writers.
This webpage is a first-start in the process. What you’ll find here:
Grant-writing Basics:
Tips for a successful grant proposal
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the general universal components of a proposal?
What do funders look for in a proposal?
A great resource on how to write a fundable budget narrative:
What supplemental documents get attached to a proposal?
Where can I find grant opportunities for our church’s mission and goals?
Episcopal Foundation of Northern California (annual grants, plus Mustard Seed – $500 grants, year-round)
Episcopal Community Service (EDNC) (renewable annual grants, with mentoring)
United Thank Offering (annual grant – theme changes annually) 2024 info here.
Roanridge Trust (annual grant, rural emphasis, applications open late Sept.)
National Fund for Sacred Places (Provides matching funds for capital improvements to churches with historic value – either architectural or cultural)
Great! Now I have more questions! Who can I contact?
A word of gratitude: these resources would not have happened without the gracious (volunteer) assistance of Ms. Rania Ahmed, Research Director at the Urban Strategies Council in Oakland, CA. Thank you, Rania!
GRANT OPPORTUNITIES in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Episcopal Community Services has been in the forefront of helping create a CULTURE OF COMMUNITY in the Diocese of Northern California communities. In every Deanery there are congregations that are quietly doing their part to improve life for its local area. Thanks to our generous donors ECS was able to fund over $47,100 of grants for open arms projects reaching out to the people in our communities.
Visit their website!
Episcopal Diocese of Northern California | Grant-Writing Workshop
Successful Proposal writing webinar
Workshop 1: Getting Funded Part 1 – Elements of Successful Proposal Writing From Start to Finish
Workshop 2: Getting Funded Part 2: Funding Research – The Path to Finding Your Best Research Partners