Diocesan Commitment to Diversity
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Diocesan Commitment to Diversity
Diocesan Commitment
Covering the northern one-third of the state, The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California seeks to represent the rich diversity of our region in its leadership at all levels. We also acknowledge that our churches sit on land where indigenous peoples have lived for millennia. We believe that all people are created in God’s image, and that we are created to be in community with one another. Therefore, we know we are most fully the Church God desires us to be when we actively work to include all.
We recognize that our tradition and our diocese have actively ignored and/or sidelined the voices of many in our broader communities, and therefore we commit ourselves to seeking leaders among historically underrepresented and marginalized communities in our denomination, such as (but not limited to) indigenous peoples, women, racial or ethnic minorities, individuals self-identifying as LGBTQIA+, veterans, individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged groups, first-generation immigrants, or people with any intersections of these descriptors.
Shorter Diversity Statement
We are a community rooted in the promises made at baptism to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, honoring our neighbor as ourselves,” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” As such, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California and are embraced as key practices to thriving and faithful life as the Church.