The Fearless Faith Revival is the highlight event in the evening. Set in a outdoors on the beautiful campus of St. John’s Church in Roseville, the worship service will feature uplifting music, prayer and preaching by our special guest, Bishop Daniel Gutierrez of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. This casual, spirit-filled service will end with a call to prayer and service.
Revival Prayer
Gracious God, you know our hearts for all our neighbors: help us and guide our path as we seek to live lives of fearless faith, loving service and confident hope. We give you thanks and praise for all the ways you are present and moving in community. May this time of revival bring both Spirit filled personal-renewal and social transformation marked by justice and healing. For these and all your blessings, we give you thanks and praise through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Revival Biddings for Prayers of the People
We pray for our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, for his recovery to health and wholeness and for Bishop Megan and other leaders preparing for revival.
In Your mercy, hear us.
We pray for our own revival and renewal of strength of purpose, where concern for others in our communities leads to fearless faith and love in action.
In Your mercy, hear us.
We pray for revival throughout the Diocese of Northern California that we may be a haven of hope for those in our communities living in despair.
In Your mercy, hear us.
Revival at Christ Church, Eureka
Fearless Faith Revival Highlights
Churchland Stewardship & Creation Care
Presenter: Mr. Brian Sellers-Peterson
Becoming Beloved Community Where YOU Are
Presenter: The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers
Sacred Third Space for the Nones and Dones
Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Portia Hopkins