Join us for three days of worship, fellowship, and learning. Our conference this spring will be hosted by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral which is conveniently located in downtown Sacramento. Our time will include an opportunity to have quiet time for prayer and time together as a group. We encourage you to take the full three days away from your duties.
We value this time together. All canonically resident clergy and clergy who are serving in parochial positions in the diocese are expected to attend, so we may deepen and enrich our relationships. For this same reason, non-canonically resident clergy who are non-parochial, retired or engaged in other ministries in this diocese are also invited.
Tuesday, May 10
- Registration & check-in to begin at 2:00 p.m. (at Trinity Cathedral)
- Conference to begin at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 12
- Conference to end by 12:00 p.m.
For those that require hotel reservations, they are being handled through your conference registration. The accommodations will be provided at the new Fort Sutter Hotel. The hotel is conveniently located one block away from the Cathedral.
Click the link to register.
Registration closes at Monday, April 25, 2022