The Northern California Diocese is beginning a new focus on our precious planet with the formation of a Commission on the Environment.
Church leaders voted to form the commission at the 2019 Diocesan Convention. After a delayed start, the commission now meets monthly and is beginning to shape practices to help individual churches do more for the environment, both in their own communities and globally.
The resolution forming the commission recognizes that, in many ways, our lifestyles have had a damaging impact on our environment and the habitats we share with other creatures. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has called on Episcopalians to “love God’s Creation” as God loves the world.
The new Commission on the Environment aims to help take us down this path. We will not issue edicts to churches. Rather, we will become a resource hub. Many churches in the diocese are already engaged in a variety of great environmental efforts, from producing their own solar power to including vegan options at coffee service. Many of these efforts link congregations with neighbors while reducing a church’s environmental footprint.
Numerous General Convention resolutions have called on Episcopalians to heal our planet from threats such as climate change and habitat destruction. They’ve encouraged practices such as energy and water efficiency, and sourcing locally grown food. The commission will examine these resolutions to identify projects for local churches. We will also highlight successful work, connect churches with project experts, and share best practices with those who wish to do more.
Our place in God’s Creation is inexorably linked with that of our neighbors. The Commission on the Environment acknowledges our interdependence with all life, and encourages us to collaborate for a better world. Working together with faith and determination, we may be able to heal some of the damage that’s been done.
The Commission’s next meeting is Thursday, September 8 at 1:00pm
via Zoom. To participate or learn more, please contact Miriam Casey at