This summer, Pathways will be joining a thousand or so Episcopal youth from across the United States at Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) 2023 in College Park, Maryland, July 4–8.
In lieu of our original plan of spending our summer program in Sacramento, youth ages 15-19 (as of July 4, 2023) are invited to join us on our journey to the East Coast to participate in learning, laughing, and worshiping with EYE. EYE only happens every three years, and we are excited to attend what is the second-largest gathering of the Episcopal Church!
As a team, Pathways will travel to and from the event, as well as hosting pre-and-post events locally to prepare for and reflect on our trip.
Participant Application | Apply by March 29, 2023:
Chaperone Application | Apply by March 29, 2023: