Progress Report–Petition to Further Resolution A087 Through the Development of Congregation-Based Plans to Achieve Carbon-Neutral Facilities and Operations by 2030
January 2023
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California 2022 convention voted to approve this resolution. This resolution involves commitments by congregations and commitments by the Commission on the Environment (CoE).
Since the convention, the CoE has taken steps to fulfill its obligations as outlined in the resolution.
In the next several months the Commission will provide more information about moving forward with the facility assessments.
Our efforts to reduce the carbon footprints of our churches will benefit nature, and it will also achieve cost savings that will benefit the ministries of our churches.
For more information about the work of the Commission, please consider attending the meetings, visiting the webpage on the diocesan website
(https://www.norcalepiscopal.org/commission-on-the-environment-2/), or contact Miriam Casey (mlcasey7@yahoo.com) or Rev.Dr.PamelaDolan(pamela@churchofstmartin.org).
Miriam Casey
Convener, Commission on the Environment