Our Strategy

Create, develop and support healthy congregations 

Healthy congregations will be well-led and well-fed. They will be worship-centered, mission-minded, intentionally diverse, compassionate communities where people are formed in the faith, educated in Scripture and tradition, and helped to develop and utilize their ministry gifts. They will encourage ever-deepening fellowship, and will attend to the pastoral needs of their members. They will be bases for outreach, with special regard for the poor. 

Healthy congregations will be well-organized, well-administered, adequately resourced, and appropriately housed. They will communicate effectively and will know how to handle change and conflict. They will be active in the life of The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California, collaborating in mission with other congregations and with ecumenical partners. They will actively seek to transform the communities they serve, doing Christ’s work of reconciliation, and witnessing to his justice, mercy, and peace. They will model good environmental stewardship and regard for sustainability. 

Visit our Congregational Development page for more information.