2020 – The Playground: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Sebastopol

2014 – Study to help elderly homeless: Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa

2011 – Kitchen Upgrade to feed the hungry: Church of St. Martin, Davis

2010 – Walk-in fridge/freezer: St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Paradise

2009 – Clinic Complex: Ministerio Episcopal en VIH/Sida/Siempre Unidos, Companion Diocese of Honduras

2008 – Kitchen Upgrade to feed the hungry: St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Paradise

2007 – Kitchen Upgrade to bring Canterbury Kitchen up to code: All Saints’ Memorial Episcopal Church, Sacramento

2005 – Playground for homeless and at-risk children: Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa

Diocesan Contact: Ms. Jacqi Seppi, UTO Coordinator

UTO is a spiritual and financial partner in the mission work of The Episcopal Church, through every person in every pew. UTO is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the United Thank Offering monies through grants. Contributions to UTO may be mailed to The Episcopal Church directly at the mailing address below. For more information or if you are interested in becoming a UTO Coordinator for your congregation, please contact the Diocesan Coordinator.

UTO’s Mission

UTO’s mission is to expand the circle of thankful people by encouraging daily prayers, offerings and awareness of the abundance of God’s blessings.


UTO Ingatherings may be mailed to:

United Thank Offering
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church US
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983

Checks should be made out to “DFMS” and have “UTO” in the memo line.

UTO Origins

UTO originated in 1889 as part of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Emphasis was on mission work in the U.S. and overseas, and support and training for women working in the church. UTO has grown into a ministry of the whole church – men, women and children.

The United Thank Offering Prayer

Source of all creation, all love, all true joy, accept we pray, these outward signs of our profound and continuing thankfulness for all of life. Bless those who will benefit from these gifts through the outreach of the United Thank Offering; and keep each of us ever thankful for all the blessings of joy and challenges that come our way; through Him who is the greatest gift and blessing of all, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.