Miriam Casey and The Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan present R1-22 at Convention 2022
Resolution calls on congregations to determine how to become carbon neutral by 2030 passed at Diocesan Convention 2022
On Saturday, October 22 in Redding, delegates to the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California’s 2022 Convention overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for all churches in the diocese to conduct facility assessments to determine actions needed to become carbon neutral by 2030. Resolution R1-22 links the 61 churches that are spread across the northernmost regions of California to further resolution A087, passed by the churchwide General Convention in July and known as “Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030.”
Resolution R1-22 was created by the diocese’s newly convened Commission on the Environment. Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan, Rector at St Martin’s, Davis, and Miriam Casey, Commission convener, presented the resolution at deanery convocations, a diocesan Town Hall, and at the convention.
The resolution was widely discussed in conversations and at the Commission’s exhibit booth prior to the vote.
On Saturday morning the resolution was formally introduced to the clergy and lay delegates by Rev. Dolan and Ms. Casey. Debate ensued and an amendment softening the requirements and goal of the resolution was defeated. Then after further debate, the question was called and the delegates soundly passed the original resolution.
The resolution states that by the end of 2024 all congregations and diocesan organizations shall conduct a facility needs assessment and identify actions necessary to become carbon neutral by 2030. It also requires the Commission to provide education, guidance, and resources to assist congregations to access their facilities and achieve their goals.
It is believed that the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California is one of the first dioceses in the nation to bring the goals of Resolution A087 to their diocese.
Thank you to the commission team for your part in creating this groundbreaking resolution.
More information about the resolution and carbon neutrality is posted on the Commission’s webpage – https://www.norcalepiscopal.org/commission-on-the-environment-2/.
To volunteer to work with the commission contact Miriam Casey – mlcasey7@yahoo.com or The Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan – pamela@churchofstmartin.org.